Wednesday, November 23, 2011

5-3-1 Strong. Pilgrim Strong

For the sake of ripping off Wikipedia and other Historical websites that claim to have the low-down on something that happened almost 400 years ago, I'll give you my version of Thanksgiving...

In 1620, the Plymouth Colony was founded by a bunch of folks escaping religious persecution back in England.  These hardened warriors of  will set sail for a new land seeking a better way of life for themselves and their families.  The area was crudely mapped by then and still largely uninhabited, except by the people that had lived there for a really long time...

They landed in the winter of 1620 arriving on the Mayflower and quickly built a settlement.  Not really. They had to work their ass off for a long time but eventually they 'settled' down.  Over time they made friends with the locals who showed them the ins and outs, local watering holes, etc.  They ended up making it, and by the fall of 1621 had a small harvest to give thanks over.  It wasn't quite the block party our history books would have us remember but it was celebration of the 'good harvest'. Out of the 102 original emigrants only 53 made it.

These 53 were tough guys and gals, no doubt.  They chopped down wood to build homes, rowed a shit- ton back and forth, and basically worked their ass off every day in order to survive.  The weak died, the strong survived.

Seriously though, these folks were strong.  So when you sit down for Turkey Day, keep this in thankful for the good stuff around you and remember that strong people are the reason for all of us to give thanks.

Back to the point of this post.  YOU should do the Wendler 5-3-1.  That's right Level 1 person, you can do it too.  Think about want to be strong, right?  You want to move and feel better?  Then we'll get you there with, as Scott puts it, "an easy percentage based program that delivers quantitative results."

In my next post, I'll give you the details on how you can be Pilgrim strong.

Happy Turkey Day!


  1. And THIS is why I garden! Just like the ol' pilgrims did. Let me know if anyone at your gym wants some gardening fitness tips...haha!
    Happy Thanksgiving!!

  2. I'm sorry to argue politics on a fitness website, but the Puritans were not exactly victims of religious persecution. They became persona non-grata in England because they staged a coup, assassinated Charles I, and installed a brutal dictator in the person of Oliver Cromwell. Cromwell, carried out a ghastly program of religious persecution in Ireland, and really sewed the seeds of the religious strife that continues there to this day. The Puritan's actions in interacting with the natives in New England are properly deserving of the term genocide. I know it's a bummer, but those guys are really not deserving of fond remembrances.

  3. Awesome, thank you for your comment. I guess you didn't pick up on the obvious use of sarcasm in the post. No worries, that's cool. I respect your version of things. I also read Zinn's A People's History of the United States. Especially page 14. So before you go Good Will Hunting on me, the post is about the importance of strength and not whether I use the behavior of the Pilgrims as my moral compass.
